The best retrospective experience
At Neatro, we know that psychological safety is the key to successful retrospectives. Your road to fostering a culture of continuous improvement starts here.
Capture ideas
Group and discuss
Vote to prioritize
Build your action plan

Start your retrospective with an Icebreaker
A productive retrospective should not be a boring one. With 200+ questions included, our Question Game opens your retrospective with a delightful touch. This is the ideal activity to create a positive atmosphere and build trust in the team.

Follow up on your action plan
Setting your action items in motion is the best way to keep your team engaged. Neatro will remind you of actions requiring follow-up at the start of each retrospective.

Write your comments
Participants separately post their ideas on the retrospective board - without influencing each other.
Avoid groupthink
Participants cannot see what other people write during this first step. That way, people genuinely open up.
Reinforce psychological safety levels
Neatro offers the possibility to write a comment under your own name, or anonymously.
Stay in control of time
A timer is available on each step of the retrospective to help you manage time.

Regroup all ideas
Group similar comments together to keep your board lean. Then attach topics to uncover key trends.
Categorize your comments
Use Neatro's 10 ready-to-use topics or create the ones that perfectly match your team's reality.
Everyone contributes
Each participant can help regroup comments and attach topics. No wonder your retrospective facilitator will enjoy that!
Facilitate discussions
Easily highlight comments from a particular author. Doing so will help them introduce their ideas to the team.

Through a voting session, prioritize the discussion topics that matter most to the team.
Vote in an authentic way
Each participant votes without ever being influenced by the other participants.
Adjust the number of votes
You can change the number of votes per participant to meet your expectations perfectly.
Watch your team's progress
Neatro helps you follow the evolution of votes in real-time while keeping voters anonymous.

Build your action plan
Discuss the most voted comments with your team. Then create your action items to help the team improve.

Effective team actions
Neatro assists you in creating SMART action items. Soon you will understand how powerful an action plan can be.
Maximize focus
Assign a member to give the team a single person responsible for communicating the progress of an action item.
Export your action items
Save time by exporting your action items to Jira Cloud, Azure DevOps, GitHub,, and more.
Assess your Return on Time Invested (ROTI)
Through a short ROTI questionnaire, participants anonymously evaluate the effectiveness of the retrospective that has just ended.
It is also an opportunity to share suggestions to increase the efficiency of future retrospectives.

Share a full retrospective report
List of participants, action items, comments sorted by topic and number of votes, action items, ROTI result… Everything is gathered in your report.
Easy to read, easy to share. You can download your report in PDF or CSV formats.

Enjoy 30+ great retrospective templates
Neatro gathers the most popular retrospective ideas in the Agile universe. And creative activities you've never seen before, too.
Check our Retrospective Templates