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Customer Feedback Retrospective

Image de profil de Anders Rojewski sur la communauté Neatroverse
Image de la colonne Positive Feedback du modèle de rétrospective Customer Feedback Retrospective sur la communauté Neatroverse
Positive Feedback
What positive comments did we receive? Which features or aspects were most appreciated?
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Image de la colonne Constructive Feedback du modèle de rétrospective Customer Feedback Retrospective sur la communauté Neatroverse
Constructive Feedback
What were the common complaints or issues reported by customers?
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Image de la colonne Improvements du modèle de rétrospective Customer Feedback Retrospective sur la communauté Neatroverse
What actions can we take to address the constructive feedback?
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Image de la colonne Key Learnings du modèle de rétrospective Customer Feedback Retrospective sur la communauté Neatroverse
Key Learnings
What did we learn from the feedback that can guide our future product development? (or any other relevant field)
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The Customer Feedback Retrospective template is designed to help product teams analyze and act on user feedback.

This retrospective focuses on understanding what customers like, addressing their complaints, identifying actionable improvements, and deriving key learnings to guide future product development.

By systematically reviewing positive and constructive feedback, teams can celebrate successes, prioritize changes, and continuously improve the product based on real user insights.

Let's take a look at the 4 core questions that are tackled in this retrospective template.

1. Positive Feedback

What positive comments did we receive? Which features or aspects were most appreciated?

Let's highlight and celebrate the positive comments and feedback we've received from our customers. Which features or aspects of our product were most appreciated? This will help us understand what we're doing right and how we can continue to leverage our strengths.


  • "The new UI is very intuitive."
  • "Customer support is excellent and responsive."
  • "The performance has significantly improved."

2. Constructive Feedback

What were the common complaints or issues reported by customers?

It's time to review the constructive feedback and common complaints from our customers. What issues or problems have been reported? Understanding these pain points will allow us to identify areas that need improvement and prioritize our efforts effectively.


  • "The mobile app crashes frequently."
  • "Feature X is difficult to use and not well-documented."
  • "The onboarding process is confusing."

3. Improvements

What actions can we take to address the constructive feedback?

Based on the constructive feedback we've discussed, let's brainstorm actionable steps we can take to address these issues. What immediate and long-term actions can we implement to enhance our product and improve the customer experience?


  • Immediate: Fix mobile app crashes (Assigned to Team A)
  • Long-Term: Redesign Feature X for better usability (Assigned to Product Team)
  • Enhancement: Improve onboarding documentation and tutorials (Assigned to Documentation Team)

4. Key Learnings

What did we learn from the feedback that can guide our future product development? (or any other relevant field)

Reflecting on all the feedback, let's identify key learnings that can guide our future product development. What insights have we gained, and how can they influence our decisions moving forward? This will help us continuously improve and stay aligned with customer needs.


  • Users value intuitive design and responsive support highly.
  • Common pain points include stability issues and the need for better documentation.
  • Continuous monitoring and user engagement are crucial for identifying areas for improvement.
Image de profil de Anders Rojewski sur la communauté Neatroverse
Anders Rojewski
Co-Founder and Head of Product @ Neatro
I'm a Kaizen philosophy believer and I think there's room for continuous improvement in all teams and organizations. Wanna talk? Reach out to me on LinkedIn! I speak English, French, and a bit of Spanish.
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Les 4 éléments de Customer Feedback Retrospective

Image de la colonne Positive Feedback du modèle de rétrospective Customer Feedback Retrospective sur la communauté Neatroverse
Positive Feedback
What positive comments did we receive? Which features or aspects were most appreciated?
Image de la colonne Constructive Feedback du modèle de rétrospective Customer Feedback Retrospective sur la communauté Neatroverse
Constructive Feedback
What were the common complaints or issues reported by customers?
Image de la colonne Improvements du modèle de rétrospective Customer Feedback Retrospective sur la communauté Neatroverse
What actions can we take to address the constructive feedback?
Image de la colonne Key Learnings du modèle de rétrospective Customer Feedback Retrospective sur la communauté Neatroverse
Key Learnings
What did we learn from the feedback that can guide our future product development? (or any other relevant field)
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