The Keep Drop Start Retrospective Template

What is the Keep Drop Start retrospective?
In a retrospective, team members are asked to:
Reflect on events from the past Sprint (or project),
Elaborate on what worked well and what didn't work so well,
Then build collectively an action plan to enable the team to improve rapidly.
Continuous team improvement should always be the primary concern of your retrospectives.
A simple way to get everyone involved in the retrospective game is to use the Keep Drop Start template. This technique is so intuitive that its name contains its three components - incredible, isn't it? 😆
Discuss your team's processes and habits through these three dimensions: the things you'd like to keep, the things you'd like to let go of, and the things you want to try in the next Sprint (or project).
The 3 elements of Keep Drop Start

Why & when should you use the Keep Drop Start retrospective template?
Keep Drop Start is undoubtedly one of the most accessible formats to start conducting Agile retrospectives. Moreover, all of your Sprint (or project) retrospectives and event post-mortems can be done using Keep Drop Start.
We recommend considering this template if your team is still learning how to run retrospectives successfully.
Also, this technique can be a good choice if your retrospective Facilitator is new to the business.
Indeed, some teams opt for a constant rotation of the Facilitator role through their retrospectives. Suppose you are about to be a retrospective Facilitator for the first time. In that case, the simplicity of this activity will significantly help you focus on what matters most: your team.