The Pros and Cons Retrospective Template

What is the Pros and Cons retrospective activity?
Sometimes we have to act quickly and make a decision.
And it is all right. However, we should think collectively about facts that are for and against the resolution to better make data-informed decisions.
This retrospective model aims to bring as many elements as possible to base the decision on a solid, objective, and factual basis.
Okay, let's take an example.
We are part of a software engineering team working with the Scrum framework. Several team members have thought about reducing our Sprint duration from 3 weeks to 2 weeks to accelerate the way we deliver value to our customers.
The idea has made its way through today's retrospective. Indeed, our Scrum Master, with the team's approval, has suggested focusing on this question together.
The 2 elements of Pros and Cons

Why & when should you use Pros and Cons?
There are plenty of good reasons to use the Pros and Cons activity:
Help better understand the issues and consequences behind the decision,
Limit uncertainties and risks,
Give more importance to the facts,
Help team members get involved in your team's decisions.
Obviously, you can pick this technique for a team retrospective from time to time, as long as you have a specific challenge to explore together.
However, why wouldn't you use the Pros and Cons technique when you can actually choose it for any team brainstorm session? ;)